
@PayOn development group

The KHQR specification is adapted from EMV® QR Code specification for Payment System – Merchant-Presented Mode (EMV QRCPS), QR Technical teams (QR Working Group-QRWG) from various Banks, MDIs and PSI had reviewed and changed follow Cambodia’s requirement, after that submitted to Payment Committee in The Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) for endorsement. KHQR Code is created for Retail Payment in Cambodia and cross-border payment within ASAIN countries. The EMV® QR Code specifications are provided “AS IS” without warranties of any kind, and the QR Working Group an d its Members neither assume nor accept any liability for any errors or omissions contained in these specifications. The QRWG and its Members DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON- INFRINGEMENT, AS TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS.

The QRWG and its Members make no representations or warranties with respect to intellectual property rights of any third parties in or in relation to this specification. The QRWG and its Members undertake no responsibility to determine whether any implementation of these specifications may violate, infringe, or otherwise exercise the patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, know-how, or other intellectual property rights of third parties, and thus any person who implements any part of this specification should consult an intellectual property attorney before any such implementation.

Without limiting the foregoing, this specification may provide for the use of public key encryption and other technology, which may be the subject matter of patents in several countries. Any party seeking to implement this specification is solely responsible for determining whether its activities require a license to any such technology, including for patents on public key encryption technology. The WG and its Members shall not be liable under any theory for any party’s infringement of any intellectual property rights in connection with this specification.

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