3. Common use cases

@PayOn development group

Merchant-Presented QR code enables a merchant presenting a request for payment to a payer, who can then verify the associated information and make a payment to the payee, or reject the request for payment. It supports various payment types, including bill payments, online payments and point-of-sale payments. QR codes are classified into static and dynamic QR codes. The information encoded in a static QR codes are fixed and used for multiple transactions while a dynamic QR code contain additional transaction details such as payment amount and is used for specific transactions.

3.1 Static QR code

A typical use case of static QR code is payment to small merchants. A florist shop may display a static QR code with merchant account information. Consumers may then scan the QR code with a mobile application to initiate the payment. The merchant’s information, such as shop name, is displayed on the mobile device for verification. The consumer will be prompted to enter a payment amount. Figure 3.1 shows a typical transaction flow of using static QR code to make merchant payment.

[1] Merchant displays QR Code with merchant details. [2] Consumer scans QR Code using a mobile application and inputs the amount to initiate the transaction. [3] Mobile application sends the transaction initiation request to the payment service operator. [4] The payment service operator processes the transaction and informs the merchant and the consumer of the transaction outcome.

3.2 Dynamic QR code

Dynamic QR codes are commonly used in online payments, delivery payments, bill payments as well as payments at self-service kiosks. A typical use case of dynamic QR code is payment for online shopping. When a consumer checks out at an online shop, the merchant generates and presents the dynamic QR code, embedded with the essential transaction details, for the consumer to scan with a mobile application to initiate the payment. The merchant’s information (such as Merchant Name) and variable invoice information (such as payment amount) are displayed on the mobile device for verification.

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