2. Overview of EMV QR Code Specification for payment system (EMV QRCPS)

@PayOn development group

An EMV Merchant-Presented QR Code Payment transaction enables consumers to make purchase using a merchant generated and displayed QR Code based on the merchant’s detail. Follow to the design of the EMV QRCPS, the data within a QR code are organized in a tree-like structure of data objects. A data object may be a primitive data object or a template. A template may include other primitive data objects and templates.

Each data object is made up of three individual fields. The first field is an identifier (ID) by which the data object can be referenced. The second field is a length field that explicitly indicates the number of characters included in the third field, i.e. the value field. A data object therefore comprises the following:

§ ID field, which is coded as a two-digit numeric value, with a value ranging from "00" to "99";

§ Length field, which is coded as a two-digit numeric value, with a value ranging from "01" to "99"; and

§ Value field, which has a minimum length of one character and maximum length of 99 characters.

A common QR code may support multiple payment operators, where individual payment operators may define their own structures of merchant account information and make use of the common data fields, such as transaction currency and amount, contained in the common QR code. Specifically, the EMV Merchant-Presented QR Code supports EMVCo and non-EMVCo payment operators through the use of IDs “02” to “25” for the EMVCo payment operators and IDs “26” to “51” for any payment operators. Individual payment operators may also include some proprietary data in the Additional Merchant Information data objects (See Section 4).

2.1 Notational Conventions

The abbreviations listed in Table 2.1, which is extracted from the EMV QRCPS, are used in this specification.

Table 2.1 Abbreviations

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